不要给我女儿介绍条件太好的小伙子,Don’t introduce my daughter to a young man with too good conditions.


Don’t introduce a young man with too good conditions to my daughter!
No house, no car. If the parents of the other party are government officials, forget the rich ones! We are an ordinary family, and the conditions in the husband’s family are too good to afford!
A couple asked for marriage for their daughter. It’s really sober in the world, and it’s rare to meet.
Ordinary people will choose good conditions, they do so, why? Her daughter’s condition is not bad, 1995 teacher, slim lady, good image temperament!
In our working families, we don’t want our daughter to feel dependent on others when she gets married. The door is not right, the gap is too big, the two parents may not be easy to get along with in the future!
I see! Give the thumbs-up! Don’t you have a little backbone and ambition? Full of self-esteem, self-love and introspection spilled over the screen!



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